Just some thoughts....
Today after class, I stumbled upon one of the many Starbucks that dot the city...on any other day, I would make a face and hurry to cross the street and nestle into a french cafe; however, on this particular day, whether it was the subconscious desire for familiarity or the comfy available chairs, I decided to try it out. I ordered my "usual" (a vanilla skim latte) and sat down by a large window by the street.
All of a sudden, I got the urge to write and I did for a good 20 minutes straight...one of the main things that struck me was that the "I can't believe that I'm here in PARIS" feeling has worn off and replaced itself with a comfortable feeling. Of course, I still am a foreigner and am learning new things every day, but that unearthly awe that I used to feel has morphed into something else. Don't get me wrong, I still stop walking all together to just gaze at the beautiful architecture and think how amazing it is to be here....I don't think that I will ever lose that feeling. At the same time, the sights and sounds have become a part of my everyday life and I now have a comfortable mastery of the city's geography.
This past weekend, the weather was in the 60's (farenheit) and there were blue skies! All the Parisians went crazy (myself included) and flocked to the parks. Everybody was in higher spirits and more obliging...it's interesting how much of an impact weather has on people. The photo above was taken on my walk down by the Louvre museum...I like it because the structure on the left (forgot the name) looks like a miniature version of the Washington Monument and the structure on the right of course is the Eiffel Tower...so this picture represents my old and new life :-) And just for your information, if you double click on the photos in this blog, they will pop up much larger.
I just wanted to say thanks for everyone who reads my blog regularly and has commented! I like hearing from you all and your thoughts, even if you don't have a blog account you can leave a comment :-)
Have a good week!
The Post About Nothing.
I want to apologize to my "regular readers" for neglecting to post in the past few days...every night that I sit down to do it, nothing in particular stands out as worthy of dedicating a post.
If you really must know, the past few days for me have been dedicated to.....SHOPPING! "Les Soldes" (the sales) in France are highly regulated. In fact, stores are only allowed to have sales TWICE A YEAR....once in winter (Jan-mid Feb.) and once in summer (early June). That's it. This is the last weekend of the sales, so stores that want to get rid of their old inventory put everything on sale for 50% or more! After many purchases and apologies to my parents, I am done with shopping for a while.
Well, I finished my first week of classes. I could write posts upon posts of stories explaining how I got lost in buildings, having the class room AND time change 30 minutes before our first class, as well as other amusing anecdotes; however, I won't bore you. Long story short, it was tiring but exciting. I am eager to get into the swing of things and establish a routine....I function best when I have a routine.
I think that's it for this time...a la prochaine! (until next time!)
La Fete de Saint Valentine
Happy Valentine's Day!
This year has been different from previous years for me (I know what you're thinking...nope, I'm STILL single) ...on the one hand, Paris is (I assert) the most romantic city in the world, but on the other hand, they don't commercialize Valentine's Day like we do in the U.S. so it doesn't feel as superficial and suffocating. For them, every day of the year is Valentine's Day!
I took the above photo today in the 17th arrondissement near one of my university campus'. The city invited couples to write notes to each other on a website and they flashed on the information/newsflash screens throughout the city, changing every minute or so. It was very cute. The above photo is just one of the gushy love notes that people left for one another. Also, the only other sign that it is Valentine's Day is flowers. Men have flocked to the local flower stands and women are seen everywhere carrying a simple rose or a bouquet. Again, very cute and understated, which I like. Tasteful.
I am in the city of love on Valentine's Day, and while everyone else is probably going to a nice romantic dinner, I went grocery shopping after a long day of classes and cooked myself a feast.....oh, and I splurged and bought myself a bar of Lindt dark chocolate.....
I send a big FRENCH kiss to all my friends and family at home! :-D
First Day of Class!
Today marked the first day of spring semester classes at the Sorbonne. The photo above is of the main historic building where upper level classes are still held; however, first and second year classes are mainly at the two Sorbonne centers located at Malesherbes in the 17th arrondissement and Porte de Clignancourt in the 18th arrondissement [there are 20 total arrondissements, "quartiers," and they span out from the center like a seashell with the higher numbers being more on the outskirts].
It was interesting to be navigating the system with the French and nobody knew that I was a foreigner until I opened my mouth to speak. I, however, had to wait for a half hour in a line with students who wanted to sign up or change courses...of course there was ONE lady doing it all and her office hours were bizarre so everyone needed to see her. One quick form filled out and I was officially enrolled....at least I think and hope I am.
I am nervous and excited to start classes...I just hope that my final grade isn't posted on a bulletin board like EVERYONE ELSE'S is with their names!!!!
Lazy Sunday and Cultural Observations
Paris essentially closes down on Sundays...and everyone flocks to the movie theaters! France is known for its film industry and there is always a huge selection of main-stream and foreign/independent movies....as well as dubbed American films. Right now, for example, Blood Diamond starring Leonardo Dicaprio is HUGE...there were lines wrapping around the block.
My friend and I, however, opted out and decided to see a French film called Odette Toulemonde [see photo above]. It was very cute and we laughed a lot....it was also very culturally revealing. Now, I realize that I am making generalizations, but it is true that watching films are very revealing about cultural norms.
In this film, as well as another that I saw not long ago, there was a married man with a child who had an affair with a younger woman. Now, we all know the stereotype of the French having many extra-marital affairs. I will not make that generalization; however, it was interesting to see that in both films it was merely a side-plot. I find that if there is adultry in American films, it tends to be a part of the MAIN PLOT and usually ends in the person cheating realizing their horrible mistake and begging for forgiveness from their spouse (and the audience who is automatically not on his/her side).
After the film, we discussed in length the different views of sexuality and relationships and how we (Americans) tend to look at adultry as black and white whereas the French tend to view it as something that happens because of a more serious problem with the relationship/marriage. If anybody has any thoughts on this, I would be curious to hear them so please feel free to comment!
In any case, it was a nice lazy Sunday filled with cultural observations.
Overview of Paris...Panoramic
Today I ventured to the top floor of Tour Montparnasse, the only skyscraper in Paris. The top floor offers a panoramic view of Paris along with an overpriced cafe and gift shop. It's definitely worth a visit! The view is absolutely breathtaking....I spent a total of 2 hours "hanging out" up there and taking pictures [see above].
Every day living here teaches me something new and I become more familiar with the way things are done...je suis finalement a l'aise (translation: I am finally comfortable). I have discovered some neat places to hang out and become a regular--which is valued here. Also, I have almost mastered the layout of the city, even though I've only been here a month! I attribute this to taking the bus, which allows me to see how things are connected, which roads lead to which areas etc. I'm a big fan of the bus system.
Well, it is VERY late (or rather early in the morning) here so I will call it a night and post again soon!
Bonne nuit a tout le monde! (goodnight to all!)
La paperasserie....red tape
...the girl used her entire body weight to try and open the massive wooden doors that mark the entrance to one of the Sorbonne's many campuses around the city. It wouldn't budge. She turned to us and shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly as she said: "heuh...peut-être qu'ils sont en grève" (translation: hmm, maybe they're on strike) and walked away.
This was my first experience with the bureaucracy of the French university system.
I wanted to share this anecdote because strikes in France are as common as rainfall in the springtime...okay, bad analogy, but you get it. My friend and I laughed after that experience partly out of frustration because we had traveled a long way on the metro and partly because, well, c'est la vie!
Today my friend and I decided that mayyyyybe we should go to the various campuses and figure out our class schedule before classes start on Monday (a little sarcasm, sorry). The way that it works here is that you have to physically go to the various departments to find the class schedule posted on an unmarked bulletin board and then go to the secretary in the office to officially sign up. There is nothing posted online and things are subject to sudden change without warning--definitely a big change from our cushy, highly organized and technologically advanced university system in the States. I am learning a lot, however, and please don't take this post to be me complaining...i'm simply sharing the gross differences.
So far I am enrolled in a class called "Philosophie Politique" (political philosophy) where I think we'll discuss totalitarianism and its many forms....I also want to take a history class called "La vie politique et societe francaise au premier XXe siecle" (political life and french society in the beginning of the 20th century)...and then a literature course.
So there's my update....this entire month I have been on vacation and now classes will begin....ca commence (it all starts...)
Cultural Ambiguity
For some reason or another, i am considered more exotic here than in the States. not a day goes by when i come across people who try to guess (unsuccessfully) my ethnicity. i love it.
...brazilian? ...spanish? ...egyptian? ...greek? ...oh i know...ITALIAN! this goes on for about 5 minutes as i grin and shake my head in response.
i embrace my cultural ambiguity--it's a conversation starter, it makes me feel mysterious, but most of all it amuses me. i love that i can pass for italian but also for algerian...i get everything except east asian or scandanavian.
in the U.S. people assume that i am indian...i suppose because of the large population and it's a very "mainstream ethnicity," if you will. Paris is such a diverse city and diversity is seen as attractive (to certain crowds of course...)
.....BUT what if i were French, born and raised? I'm sure i would feel differently about this unwanted attention and would want to be seen as French. in the U.S., even if people assume that i'm indian, i am undoubtably an American citizen above all...i like that. France has a problem with integration that runs deep in past and permeates the present social/political culture. At some point in the near future, this issue needs to be seriously analyzed and dealt with by the government...perhaps when the new French president is elected this April.
But for now, i will keep people guessing.....
...brazilian? ...spanish? ...egyptian? ...greek? ...oh i know...ITALIAN! this goes on for about 5 minutes as i grin and shake my head in response.
i embrace my cultural ambiguity--it's a conversation starter, it makes me feel mysterious, but most of all it amuses me. i love that i can pass for italian but also for algerian...i get everything except east asian or scandanavian.
in the U.S. people assume that i am indian...i suppose because of the large population and it's a very "mainstream ethnicity," if you will. Paris is such a diverse city and diversity is seen as attractive (to certain crowds of course...)
.....BUT what if i were French, born and raised? I'm sure i would feel differently about this unwanted attention and would want to be seen as French. in the U.S., even if people assume that i'm indian, i am undoubtably an American citizen above all...i like that. France has a problem with integration that runs deep in past and permeates the present social/political culture. At some point in the near future, this issue needs to be seriously analyzed and dealt with by the government...perhaps when the new French president is elected this April.
But for now, i will keep people guessing.....
Back on my feet and runn..dancing!
Last night I decided to get out of my apartment and meet a good friend for coffee in Saint Germain area before she met up with a couple of her friends to go to this cool salsa club called La Pena. I walked her to the door...walked into the entrance...heard the music downstairs...saw that the room wasn't filled with cigarette smoke...and checked my jacket!
It felt so good to be out with other people and salsa dancing is one of my favorite things to do. The dance moves themselves are so much fun to do and the feeling of dancing with a skilled partner that you are in sync with is indescribable. What I also like is that it is not sexualized, like most other dances--it is purely about having fun and doing the moves. I danced with this columbian man who is actually a salsa teacher. He did such a great job of leading me that I was doing everything flawlessly...definitely the sign of a perfect dance partner.
Me and a few of my friends agreed that we would take salsa lessons and would be masters by the time we left Paris.
Afterwards, we took the "night bus" or the "noctilien" (the bus system that runs when the metro closes from 12:30am-5:30am) to the Bastille area and went to a cafe that is open 24/7. We got chocolate crepes and hot chocolate which ended up being PURE melted chocolate....it was so rich!
I had such a great time and it felt good to be out and enjoying this city again....looks like i'm back on my feet!
It felt so good to be out with other people and salsa dancing is one of my favorite things to do. The dance moves themselves are so much fun to do and the feeling of dancing with a skilled partner that you are in sync with is indescribable. What I also like is that it is not sexualized, like most other dances--it is purely about having fun and doing the moves. I danced with this columbian man who is actually a salsa teacher. He did such a great job of leading me that I was doing everything flawlessly...definitely the sign of a perfect dance partner.
Me and a few of my friends agreed that we would take salsa lessons and would be masters by the time we left Paris.
Afterwards, we took the "night bus" or the "noctilien" (the bus system that runs when the metro closes from 12:30am-5:30am) to the Bastille area and went to a cafe that is open 24/7. We got chocolate crepes and hot chocolate which ended up being PURE melted chocolate....it was so rich!
I had such a great time and it felt good to be out and enjoying this city again....looks like i'm back on my feet!
a new way to enjoy life.......
......get sick for a week and then go out for the first time!
It's an amazing feeling....today, I felt a lot better, and after an entire week of being imprisoned in my studio apartment, I put on some cute clothes, did my hair and makeup (covering the massive bags under my eyes...but not getting rid of the exhausted look) and bundled up.
As soon as I stepped out my front door, I felt better...I saw LIFE! Children and parents passed me, cars whizzed by, someone called to someone else from afar.....human interaction! I went grocery shopping (much needed, as I had eaten literally everything in my apartment), went to the pharmacy and bought strong french cold medicine, went to the post office, and then went to my corner bakery (called a Boulangerie) for some fresh baguettes and treated myself to a "millefeuille," or Napoleon as we call it in the U.S.
I felt very French as I walked back to my apartment carrying two baguettes in my right arm and my groceries in my left....CLEARLY didn't look like a foreigner :-)
My little outing only lasted maybe 40 minutes, but it was a thrill and reminded me what a great city I am living in. Now if only I could completely recover and be able to fully enjoy it again!
My friend Tiffany invited me out tonight for salsa dancing at this really cute local place in St. Germain area....I had to turn her down.....the smoke in there would be enough to put me in bed again for another week....and I cannot have that.
It's an amazing feeling....today, I felt a lot better, and after an entire week of being imprisoned in my studio apartment, I put on some cute clothes, did my hair and makeup (covering the massive bags under my eyes...but not getting rid of the exhausted look) and bundled up.
As soon as I stepped out my front door, I felt better...I saw LIFE! Children and parents passed me, cars whizzed by, someone called to someone else from afar.....human interaction! I went grocery shopping (much needed, as I had eaten literally everything in my apartment), went to the pharmacy and bought strong french cold medicine, went to the post office, and then went to my corner bakery (called a Boulangerie) for some fresh baguettes and treated myself to a "millefeuille," or Napoleon as we call it in the U.S.
I felt very French as I walked back to my apartment carrying two baguettes in my right arm and my groceries in my left....CLEARLY didn't look like a foreigner :-)
My little outing only lasted maybe 40 minutes, but it was a thrill and reminded me what a great city I am living in. Now if only I could completely recover and be able to fully enjoy it again!
My friend Tiffany invited me out tonight for salsa dancing at this really cute local place in St. Germain area....I had to turn her down.....the smoke in there would be enough to put me in bed again for another week....and I cannot have that.
I'm Lovin' It!
Tonight I had probably the best meal that I have had since my arrival in Paris......what delicacy, you might be wondering?? what sort of insanely expensive, beautifully put-together, hard-to-pronounce dish? I believe you all are familiar with this one...
Yup, I caved and did what I swore I wouldn't do ever since I saw the ugly yellow arches on the corner near my apartment building. HOWEVER, it truly was the best meal I have had since I've been here and this is why......
For the past week, I have been bedridden due to a nasty virus going around that attacked my throat and lungs...like the flu but not stomach, thank goodness. I lost my voice completely four days ago and have yet to get it back! So, for the past four days I have eaten nothing but "Poule au Pot" soup (chicken noodle) that a fellow program student was kind enough to go out and buy for me...I would average three or so bowls a day of the thin, but yummy soup. Then, last night, I got a massive craving for something hearty...for a hamburger. That same nice student said that she would run out to McDonald's at 10:30pm to get me what I desired the most.
As I bit into that juicy hamburger, it did more than satisfy my appetite...it was strangely comforting. The true test of globalization: anywhere in the world that you go and buy a McDonald's hamburger, it TASTES THE SAME. It was refreshing to have plain Kraft's chedder cheese on it....here, they don't know what chedder is and it is frowned upon...it's not REAL cheese. The burger was cooked to perfection and I relished every bite...not to mention every single french fry.....it was my first real, hot meal in a week and it was glorious. McDonald's and episodes of Seinfeld were the best combination.
Needless to say, I went to bed a satisfied woman last night.
Yup, I caved and did what I swore I wouldn't do ever since I saw the ugly yellow arches on the corner near my apartment building. HOWEVER, it truly was the best meal I have had since I've been here and this is why......
For the past week, I have been bedridden due to a nasty virus going around that attacked my throat and lungs...like the flu but not stomach, thank goodness. I lost my voice completely four days ago and have yet to get it back! So, for the past four days I have eaten nothing but "Poule au Pot" soup (chicken noodle) that a fellow program student was kind enough to go out and buy for me...I would average three or so bowls a day of the thin, but yummy soup. Then, last night, I got a massive craving for something hearty...for a hamburger. That same nice student said that she would run out to McDonald's at 10:30pm to get me what I desired the most.
As I bit into that juicy hamburger, it did more than satisfy my appetite...it was strangely comforting. The true test of globalization: anywhere in the world that you go and buy a McDonald's hamburger, it TASTES THE SAME. It was refreshing to have plain Kraft's chedder cheese on it....here, they don't know what chedder is and it is frowned upon...it's not REAL cheese. The burger was cooked to perfection and I relished every bite...not to mention every single french fry.....it was my first real, hot meal in a week and it was glorious. McDonald's and episodes of Seinfeld were the best combination.
Needless to say, I went to bed a satisfied woman last night.
Smoke-Ban Gets Some Parisians Fuming....literally.
Big news: starting today, smoking is "en principe" (in principle) banned from all public places....HOWEVER, this excludes bars, restaurants and nightclubs.....and even though you're not supposed to smoke in the metro, airport, hospital etc, people do it anyways.
So basically nothing will change until next year, when they actually start enforcing the law and when cigarette smoke will be banned from restaurants and bars and clubs also.
Smoking here has a completely different meaning than in the States. In my opinion, smoking is a dirty habit that smells and is unattractive....here, however, I think it looks "cool...." and I can't even believe I'm saying that. People have a cigarette here as if it's an accessory to their outfit. Despite the smell that permeates everything and stays for days, I find myself almost...ALMOST...wishing that I smoked. Interestingly enough, on every package of cigarettes, a HUGE label says "SMOKING KILLS" in French. Could you imagine the cigarette lobby in the U.S. allowing that bold statement? We have a rather subtle "health warning..."
My friend who is also studying abroad here told me the other day that a woman who was asked to put our her cigarette in a non-smoking restaurant went off at the waitress saying that France was becoming totalitarian and that it was her RIGHT to be able to smoke.....to which I would have replied if I were there......your RIGHT is killing me also! Second-hand smoke is WORSE than smoking a cigarette yourself.
Other news: I am sick. I was very lucky to get an appointment for tomorrow with an english-speaking doctor who has a special relationship with my program....It's strange not having mom or grandma nearby and able to bring me home-made soup...I spent today in bed watching Pride and Prejudice on my laptop and drinking an unmentionable amount of hot tea.
More updates later!
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