i am sitting at my desk in a wrap-around sweater sipping green tea.
my window is cracked open, letting in crisp october night air.
the candle to my right flickers and creates shadows against my wall.
i love this season....oh the little pleasures of life. :-)
Like Michael below, I stopped by from a visit to Eric's Paris Daily Photo blog and was impressed, nay, rather moved at your writing. I love the way you have of creating daily photos of words alone. You can convey a mood and feeling at least as good or better than a photograph.
Also I should like to inform you that something must be wrong with your site. On my side it says that you have 0 comments on a number of your posts.
However, maybe, unlike my rude crudity, they don't wish to intrude for fear that your reverie, like candle shadows on the wall, will suddenly flicker and extinguish.
Zero comments certainly does not equate with zero interest.
Ah, I just noticed the October 15 date. I guess you are working on that research project after all
Sorry my english is quite bad, but I really liked your comments, very poetic.
Très beau, as we used to say over here !
I have a strange question. Do you really like D.C.? I've always found it such a political environment, even in the social scene. Doesn't it get tiring?
wow i must say i am surprised to see comments! haha...
PERCY, i actually started my blog on a whim and didn't mean it to be a daily photo..altho i LOVE photography. also i keep a regular journal (actually a couple) so i just write some entries online i guess for myself and for whoever cares :-) thank you for your compliments, really! I'm what i like to call a "closet writer/poet"
GAUVAIN, c'est pas grave, je parle francais! j'avais etudie le francais depuis...8 ans? j'irai a Paris le semestre prochain pour etudier a la Sorbonne! j'ai hate....merci pour tes mots gentils :-)
MICHAEL, i actually LOVE DC....well i'm studying international relations/US Foreign Policy so really it is ideal. every organization imaginable has headquarters here and it's very easy to get internships! also, there is a neat young professional vibe here that i like a lot. haha yes there is no escaping the "political environment" in the social scene and i love it....for example, right before the 2004 elections, i was riding the bus and a homeless man who i think was drunk (i could smell it on his breath) started talking to someone and saying that if Bush won the election, he would move to Jamaica.....now WHERE else would you get a homeless man talking politics?!?!? thanks for your continual comments and maybe i'll see you in Paris?
Beautiful description there. Could see it in my mind. In so few words, too. Lovely.
La Sorbonne ? Formidable ! :)
Félicitations, et bon courage pour tes études alors ;)
Viens donner tes impressions sur ton Blog !!
Au plaisir de te relire,
Can I just say that the candle you mentioned smells really good too? :) (Lisa)
Tres poetique
When did you go to Paris? :-)
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